Cleanliness detection - decline test
In the cleanliness test, the product needs to undergo attenuation testing for the first time in order to obtain effective testing methods and parameters. Make the detection more convincing.
For similar products, attenuation test parameters can be shared.It is also recommended to further verify through secondary testing.
Definition of Decrement Testing:
Using the same method to extract contamination from the same component multiple times
Particles until 90% of the pollutants are extracted. If six extraction attempts have been made but the value ≤ 10% has not been reached, the extraction parameters must be modified.
Progressive testing process:
Blank confirmation
Quantity confirmation
The startup parameters should be appropriate
Interruption is not allowed during the testing process
The conditions of each cleaning program are the same
6 times in total
Note: If the 10% standard is reached after n separate cleaning steps, the detection program (at least) should be (n-1) times the cleaning time or cleaning volume.